Mastering the Overhead
Ah, it's our moment to shine! Whether it's our earned opportunity or a poorly executed lob from our opponent, this is our chance to dazzle the crowd with a powerful overhead smash. Here are some key pointers to ensure we hit it with authority: A simple phrase I use for a reminder is "turn the hips, snap the wrist" but lets go a little further into detail.
Positioning: If the ball sails over our head and we're right-handed, we pivot our hips so that our left hip faces the kitchen while the right hip points towards the baseline. This not only aids in generating power but also ensures safety in case we need to let the ball bounce.
Preparation & Form: "Rightys" Raise the left hand as a guide while keeping the right arm's elbow bent. Strive to make contact with the ball in front of the body whenever feasible. Connect with the ball at a high position while still allowing your arm to be slightly bent. When executing the follow-through, employ the "hand in the cookie jar" technique, emphasizing a wrist snap to drive the ball downward effectively.
Targeting: Opt for open spaces whenever possible, as they offer the greatest advantage. Utilize angles if the situation permits, and aiming for the middle of the court is often a reliable strategy.
Progression: Prioritize control over power initially. As proficiency grows, gradually integrate more power into the shot while maintaining accuracy and technique.
By adhering to these principles, we can consistently deliver a solid overhead that demands respect.