Make Your Opponent Hit From Awkward Positions

The classic "placement over power" still holds true, even in today's fast-paced game. Amid the quickened pace, the significance of strategic placement remains undeniable. When instructing the drive, I prioritize a 60% paced shot that forces the opponent into an awkward, low volley position. This is often more effective than sheer power.

In the realm of dinking, the emphasis shifts to targeting spots that set opponents in motion, making them "dance" on the court. Increased movement heightens the likelihood of errors or pop-ups. With kitchen speed ups or attacks think about real estate, "location, location, location". Optimal areas for kitchen attacks or speed-ups are the opponent's dominant shoulder, inducing the dreaded "chicken wing," or the dominant hip as an alternative.

While power undeniably has its impact, it's essential to remind players that controlled and targeted shots statistically yield higher success rates.


Key takeaways include:

  • Forcing opponents to hit below the net is strategically advantageous, regardless of shot speed.

  • Location, location, location

  • Get our opponents "dancing"

  • Look to be calculated and controlled when attacking 



Efficient Shot Making Starts With Efficient Footwork


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